So we decided to go to the lake and observe people around there. As we reached at the lake, there we a lot of people there with their dogs. So we decided to observe the dog owners using the Fly on the Wall research method and observe and record behaviour within its context, without interfering with people's activities. The idea behind using this research method was to see what people actually do within real contexts and time frames, rather than accept what they say they did after the fact.
So we were sitting on a bench by the lake and observing the dog owners when we saw this information board below, which says PLEASE KEEP DOGS ON LEEDS IN THIS AREA.....

I think that it's not entirely the visitors' fault not to follow what they have been asked by the park authorities, as the information board was very hard to be noticed, as it has camouflaged into the greenery around it because of it being the same colour. It could have been more prominent if it was made with a bit striking colours, they could have used colours other than green, that were easy to be noticed around all the greenery. So I have decided that i will be re-designing this information board so that it's easily noticeable. Will be posting the outcome soon.
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